As part of the Enterprise-wide Adobe Creative Cloud Educational Licence, all UQ staff now have unlimited access to Adobe Stock’s 250m+ standard image collection, for free. This includes photos, illustrations, icons and vectors. 

How do I login?

  1. You will need to login using your Federated Single Sign on in the format of
  2. Select Company or School Account, when prompted
  3. Do not "Create an account" 
  4. If you receive an error message you will need to submit an ITS support ticket to gain access to the Adobe Creative Cloud license. 


    What can I access?

    You can view all assets on Adobe Stock, but you will only be able to download assets from the standard collection.

    You can also “re-download” any paid asset that has been previously downloaded by someone at UQ who has a credit plan.

    Previously licensed assets will have a small blue box indicated that that they are licensed.

    How can I download assets?

    Start your search from the home page, and when the results appear, open the filter section on the lefthand side. From here you will be able to filter to Standard Content in the price section, to ensure you are not being served results that are not within our license. 


    Adobe Stock uses the term License, instead of Download, as many users will import directly into Adobe projects without downloading locally.

    Clicking on the License button will download the asset, and once you have licensed the asset there will be an option to re-download.

    If the image does not have "Education License (Included in your plan)" above the license button you have found a premium or editoral asset, and you will not be able to download it for free. 

    What if I want to download something that has a higher credit value?

    If you attempt to download an asset that is not from the standard collections you will receive a message that you do not have sufficient credits, and to reach out to your administrator. Contact and requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on current credit balance. 

    Copyright considerations

    UQ has an Extended Licence, and most of the images are free to be used without credit. There are two main exceptions: 

    • images posted to social media sites must be attributed in this format (© Author Name -
    • assets labelled “Editorial Use Only” may only be used in relation to events or topics which are newsworthy or of public interest, typically in newspaper or magazine articles, news blogs, or similar media. They must be credited in this format (“Agency Name/Contributor Name –”).

    UQ Staff may use, reproduce, archive, modify, and display the asset: for advertising, marketing, promotional, and decoration purposes related solely to the Enterprise, for professional and academic activities related solely to the Enterprise, and not for any other commercial purpose.

    All staff are responsible for understanding the implications of using Adobe Stock assets. More detailed information can be found here

    For more information contact 
    If you receive a message saying you do not have access to this service you will need to submit an ITS support ticket